Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall Has Arrived

What a beautiful time of year, this is truly my favorite season.

Soccer is going great. Emily's team has won all their games and tied only 2. Amber still isn't sure if she wants to play anymore......she is so much fun to watch.

Connar is still practicing his driving and getting more confident every time. He really likes school and is making tons of friends and keeping his grades up....YEAH!!!!

Jeff is so busy at work, but of course he loves it and continues to stress out.

Me on the other hand have taken on a new task.......I am selling PartyLite!!!!!! Ofcourse, I am still doing my Ebay store and driving Special-Needs for our school district. All 3 jobs are so rewarding. I just don't think my life would be normal without so much going on....LOL.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

WOW what a Summer!!

Wow, what a busy summer we have had.
Connar has turned 15 and now has his driving permit.......what??? I know.
The girls have both started soccer and are so excited for the games to start next month. Jeff is coaching Amber's U5 team, so she ofcourse is having a blast.
They have been swimming non stop...
I am still working on my Ebay and took on a summer school route, plus I have started selling Party Lite.
Jeff has been working so busy season.
We have added a new member to our family, we adopted a 4 year old Chocolate Lab from the shelter in May and she is fitting just perfectly into our family. So now that is 3 cats and 2 dogs....Jeff says he'll leave if I bring anymore home..hee hee.

We are having our HUGE Stephens family reunion on Saturday, we can't wait to see everyone.

All the kids are getting ready for school, Connar is going to be a Sophmore, Emily will be in 2nd grade and Amber is starting preschool.
I would say I am excited for school to start but I get to get rid of my 3 and take on 70 more. Somehow I think I would rather just have mine for a longer summer. I truly believe that us drivers have to be a little crazy, LOL.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Hi I am Mommy Carebear, a 33 year old mother of 3.

I am Happy to say I am exactly where I want to be.

I am Happily married to my Prince Charming, 10 years this year!!! We have a 14 year DS, a 7 year old DD and a 3 year old DD. We are also blessed with an adorable little 2 year old minipoodle named Gigi. Our home also has the pitter patter of 3 little kitty's named Mama Sissy, Buddy and Gracey May.

We have had a rough go for 8 years of our marriage, but these last 2 years have been Great!! It is amazing how your life can change after you focus on YOUR family and back away from friends and aquaintences that drag the worst out of you. I have come to relize my Husband IS my bestfriend and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world!! I enjoy him coming home from work and spending time with his family. It is amazing to see the kids excited too, not worried about Daddy being in a BAD mood.

Sometimes it is best to sit back and reevaluate your life and what is important in it. You may have to hurt feelings and cut ties to make you and your immediate family first priority.

To Me there is NOTHING more important than my FAMILY!!!!